Ana Aqra aspires to make learning accessible to all children.

Vision & Mission

Independent Reader… Lifelong Learner

Children Benefitted

Books & Kits distributed

Who we Are

Ana Aqra Association is a non-profit, non-sectarian, non-political organization founded in 1994. Officially established in 1998, Ana Aqra Association holds the registration number 29/AD, dated February 16, 1998.
Ana Aqra Association targets the educational, cultural and psychosocial needs of underprivileged children of Lebanese public schools and their communities.
Ana Aqra Association builds the capacity of school teachers and administrators to improve teaching and learning.
Ana Aqra Association also provides education in emergencies aligned with both the national education strategy and the Interagency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) standards.
The main focus of Ana Aqra Association is to advance literacy and promote independent learning.

Board Members

Nahed Zein Naamani                                     President

Tarek Jallad                                                    Vice President

Carole Melhem                                               Secretary

Raya Al Hasan                                                 Treasurer

Maha Yehya                                                      Member

Charles El Hage                                            Member

Denise Boustani                                            Accountant

Loubna Khalil                                                Member

Hanin Abdallah                                            Member

Executive Team

Marwan Haffar                                            Executive Director

Amina Kleit                                                       Director of Programs

Roa Chami                                                         Finance & Operations Manager

Our Impact

Schools Impacted

Classroom libraries equipped

Teachers Trained

Parent Benefitted

Vision, Mission, and Values

Vision of Ana Aqra aspires to make learning accessible to all children.

Mission of Ana Aqra aims to foster an equitable and sustainable learning environment for everyone by:

    • Empowering children to be independent learners
    • Advocating active learning communities
    • Building teacher capacity
    • Providing essential resources and tools
    • Developing state-of-the-art tools and techniques for Arabic language learning
    • Supporting public institutions to become schools of choice


  • We believe in the child’s right to a quality education.
  • We believe in an education that allows children to become independent learners.
  • We believe schools should provide a safe environment for learners.
  • We are committed to empathizing with the learner.
  • We are committed to making education an enjoyable experience where stories are used as a primary educational tool.

Our Programs

Retention Support Program

ANA AQRA  designs and delivers Retention Support programs that serve in-school struggling learners across primary public schools all over Lebanon.

Basic Literacy and Numeracy Program (BLN)

ANA AQRA designs and delivers BLN programs that serve out of school children ages 9-14. This program prepares out of school children to transition to formal education within a reasonable period to support reduce early marriage, child labor and increase their protection and wellbeing.

Community Based Early Childhood Education Program (CBECE)

ANA AQRA designs and delivers formal and non-formal early childhood education program that provides the needed pre-requisites to enter formal preschool or enroll in grade one.

Psychosocial Wellbeing Services

Ana Aqra designs and delivers a Psychosocial Wellbeing program in support of learners, parents/caregivers and their educators embedded in all programs of in formal and non-formal education across all regions and implementations.

Our Projects



Jan 21 - Mar 24

In collaboration with a consortium led by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and project funded is by dedicated the to Agence ensuring Franthe ...

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Jan 21 - Mar 24

In collaboration with a consortium led by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and project funded is by dedicated the to Agence ensuring Franthe aise de retention D of all veloppement students (AFD), and the their successful Nataf3al completion of education. By establishing schools as comprehensive support systems, the project aims to empower students to overcome future shocks in education and the wider local and national context. Over a three-year period, the project will support 20 public schools in Beirut, Mount Lebanon, Beqaa, Baalbek, and Akkar, targeting the most vulnerable areas. Through partnerships with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), the center for education research and development (CERD), and consortium members including Ana Aqra, Amel Association, and International Alert, Nataf3al will impact over 12,000 learners, 600 teachers, and 3,200 parents
Nataf3al | Supporting retention of vulnerable children in school in Lebanon

International Rescue Committee

Retention Support Program is a program In partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and funded by The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), the Program aimed to provide ...
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International Rescue Committee

Retention Support Program is a program In partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and funded by The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), the Program aimed to provide homework support to 500 at-risk Syrian refugee girls and boys enrolled in five public schools. The program utilized a blended modality of face-to-face and distance learning to improve school performance and increase retention rates. Implementing teachers received capacity building based on the 'Quality Teaching and Learning' model and were equipped with resources aligned with the curriculum. Parents and caregivers were engaged and provided with instructional materials for well-being and creating supportive home learning environments.
International Rescue Committee (IRC)

I Can Always Learn

Nov 2020 - Feb 22

In partnership with a generous donor who wishes to remain anonymous, Ana Aqra completed the “I Can Always Learn ”...

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I Can Always Learn

Nov 2020 - Feb 22

In partnership with a generous donor who wishes to remain anonymous, Ana Aqra completed the “I Can Always Learn” project that was designed in response to the exacerbating disruptions in education caused by the spread of COVID-19 and the adverse implications of Lebanon’s dire economic situation. The program aimed to fill preexisting gaps caused by either non-stimulating environments for children who are not yet enrolled in school or school disruptions for those who are. Via remote learning, the project provided early childhood and retention support education services to children ages 4-6 and 6-8 respectively. The project also delivered the “I Can Also Teach” program, which engaged community takeholders, particularly parents and caregivers, in supporting the active learning environment by building their capacities and skills in early literacy and child development milestones. Through teacher training and coaching sessions, the project built the teachers’ capacities in quality teaching and learning and teachers adopted their best practices in support of distance learning.
I Can Always Learn


Nov 2020 - Aug 21

In response to Beirut Blast, the CHILD project was implemented in 2021 in collaboration with Caritas Switzerland (CACH) and Caritas Austria (CAUT) in partnership with ...

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Nov 2020 - Aug 21

In response to Beirut Blast, the CHILD project was implemented in 2021 in collaboration with Caritas Switzerland (CACH) and Caritas Austria (CAUT) in partnership with Caritas Lebanon (CL) and Seenaryo. The project had two goals: delivery of quality education and child protection. Quality education activities proposed included delivery of a remote regulated non-formal early childhood education program for 500 Syrian refugee children and a homework support program for 700 Lebanese learners enrolled in seven public schools. Both programs included the the delivery of the Quality Teaching and Learning (QTL) approach, developed by AAA and supported by CACH, as well as the promotion of secure, safe, and participatory school environments. To help with the recovery of education delivery following the blast, further enhance recovery of education delivery after the blast, the project provided training and ongoing coaching to 40 teachers, as well as integrated psychosocial support (PSS) curricula targeting children and their caregivers. In addition, teachers were given a self-care package and all seven schools were equipped with materials supporting education delivery (technological devices, stationary/ home-schooling kits) for 700 learners.


Jan 2018 - Jan 2019

This partnership aims at enrolling and retaining children in formal education as per the national education strategy, RACE. Retention Support The Retention Support program ...

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Jan 2018 - Jan 2019

This partnership aims at enrolling and retaining children in formal education as per the national education strategy, RACE. Retention Support The Retention Support program will benefit 4,800 children who are at risk of dropping out of formal education in schools in Beirut, Mt Lebanon, Bekaa/Baalbek and North Lebanon. Access & Integration Ana Aqra will implement the CBECE program with 2,700 children aged 3-6 years old and their families, who have no access to KG, prioritizing those about to enroll in Grade 1 for the 2016/17 school year. 2,000 out-of-school children aged 7-14 years old will also benefit from the Basic Literacy & Numeracy program.


Dec 2016 - Sep 2019

This three-year partnership with CARITAS Switzerland (CaCH) aims at enhancing the quality of teaching and learning for vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian Refugee Children in the...

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Dec 2016 - Sep 2019

This three-year partnership with CARITAS Switzerland (CaCH) aims at enhancing the quality of teaching and learning for vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian Refugee Children in the public schools. 25 schools (21 public schools and 4 semi-private schools) in the North, Bekaa, Mount Lebanon and Beirut regions will participate in the project. These schools will provide retention intervention in the form of homework support and summer remedial programs to a total of 3,600 learners and their teachers and other school staff. In the short term, QTL aims to enhance and validate the existing Balanced Literacy Approach, used by Ana Aqra within the retention support program, into an improved QTL model. This enhanced and validated BLA model will hence introduce improved methods to strengthen and improve the performance of education practitioners in public schools. In the long term, education practitioners benefiting from the outcomes of QTL will transfer their acquired knowledge into mainstream education. Key stakeholders from the Lebanese University (LU) – Faculty of Pedagogy, and MEHE - DOPS, PMU, and CERD, as well as the University of Teachers Education- PH Zug in Switzerland, are engaged to provide their expertise to ensure the project's progress. Two memorandums of understanding were signed between Ana Aqra and the LU - Faculty of Pedagogy and between Ana Aqra and CERD in order to facilitate cooperation. These MOUs are valuable stepping stones in expanding Ana Aqra’s educational work with the help of the academic and governmental sectors.

Back to School

Feb 2016 - December 2016

The purpose of this partnership was to support MEHE centrally and in the field, as well as other (I)NGOs, to reach ...

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Back to School

Feb 2016 - December 2016

The purpose of this partnership was to support MEHE centrally and in the field, as well as other (I)NGOs, to reach RACE objectives, enabling all children to fulfill their right to education. Technical Support Ana Aqra developed a unified Retention Support (RS) program in partnership with British Council and MEHE through CERD. The development of a six-level curriculum in the Arabic language, based on the Lebanese Curriculum Learning Outcomes, which MEHE/CERD later adapted in order to regulate the implementation of Retention Support programs by all implementing partners. Moreover, Ana Aqra provided technical support to MEHE through CERD to support the development of a unified Community Based Early Childhood Education (CBECE) package. Ana Aqra participated actively in the MEHE-UNICEF technical committee as resource specialists in NFE and ECE; supported design and development of the package with CERD and other education partners; and supported CERD in the training and coaching of education partners on the use of the package. Back To School & Retention Support Ana Aqra implemented the unified RS program to benefit 6,208 children at risk of dropping out as well as provided HWS to 5,413 vulnerable children enrolled in public schools in Beirut, Mt Lebanon, Bekaa/Baalbek and North Lebanon. Ana Aqra supported the ongoing Back to School, stay in School initiative through implementing a series of social mobilization and community engagement activities aiming to increase awareness of parents and caregivers on the education services provided by MEHE, and ensure on-time enrolment of children in age-appropriate grades in formal education. Through the outreach activities performed, the following learners were referred to formal education programs; 616 children joined ALP programs, 243 children joined 1st shift schools, and 2,052 children joined 2nd shift schools. Access & Integration Ana Aqra implemented the CBECE program with 2,432 children aged 3-6 years old and their families, who have no access to KG, prioritizing those about to enroll in Grade 1 for the 2016/17 school year. Who are we impacting? - 44 schools - 14,053 learners - 976 teachers
Back to School

Education Can Not Wait

Aug 22 - Dec 24

In partnership with Save the Children, the project provides non-formal education interventions to crisis-affected refugee learners, preparing them for formal education. ...

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Education Can Not Wait

Aug 22 - Dec 24

In partnership with Save the Children, the project provides non-formal education interventions to crisis-affected refugee learners, preparing them for formal education. Ana Aqra targets 4,250 out-of-school children, enrolling 2,500 children (aged 4-6) in community-based early childhood programs and 1,750 boys and girls (aged 8-14) in basic literacy and numeracy programs.
Education Can Not Wait

Second Chance

Sept 22 - Aug 23

In partnership with Luminos, the Second Chance project provides direct services to children in Baalbek and the Beqaa regions. Basic literacy and numeracy ...

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Second Chance

Sept 22 - Aug 23

In partnership with Luminos, the Second Chance project provides direct services to children in Baalbek and the Beqaa regions. Basic literacy and numeracy sessions are offered to 325 out-of-school children aged 10-14, helping them transition to formal education. Additionally, 300 learners in public schools receive remote homework support to enhance their academic performance and well-being. A summer remedial program assists 300 at-risk learners in closing achievement gaps. Ana Aqra trains 80 caregivers in literacy and numeracy skills to support their children's education at home. The project aims to improve access to education and provide better prospects for children's future.
Second Chance

A Second Chance

Dec 2016 - Dec 2017

The project will provide 600 learners who are currently out of school with Basic Literacy & Numeracy helping them transition to the formal ...

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A Second Chance

Dec 2016 - Dec 2017

The project will provide 600 learners who are currently out of school with Basic Literacy & Numeracy helping them transition to the formal schooling system. This, in turn, will be followed by HWS to help them cope academically reducing their chances of dropping out.
A Second Chance

Retention and Integration for Syrian Refugees and Host Community Girls and Boys Ages 3 to 14

Jan 2016 - Dec 2016

This project, on its second year of implementation, aims to provide ...

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Retention and Integration for Syrian Refugees and Host Community Girls and Boys Ages 3 to 14

Jan 2016 - Dec 2016

This project, on its second year of implementation, aims to provide basic non-formal education for in-school and out-of-school refugees and affected host community girls and boys in order to integrate them into the ALP program or formal schools as soon as an opportunity arises. 1,304 out-of-school children benefited from educational school readiness and integration preparatory programs to enable and facilitate their enrollment in formal education eventually. 90 children were enrolled in ECE while 1,214 in BLN programs. Programs were implemented in Bekaa, Beirut, Mount Lebanon, and North Lebanon.
Retention and Integration for Syrian Refugee and Host Community Girls and Boys Ages 3 to 14

Education Can Not Wait

Aug 22 - Dec 24

In partnership with Save the Children, the project provides non-formal education interventions to crisis-affected refugee learners, preparing them for formal education. ...

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Education Can Not Wait

Aug 22 - Dec 24

In partnership with Save the Children, the project provides non-formal education interventions to crisis-affected refugee learners, preparing them for formal education. Ana Aqra targets 4,250 out-of-school children, enrolling 2,500 children (aged 4-6) in community-based early childhood programs and 1,750 boys and girls (aged 8-14) in basic literacy and numeracy programs.
Education Can Not Wait

My Best Start

Phase 1 : Oct 21 - Mar 22 Phase 2 : Nov 22 - Dec 23

Ana Aqra, Lebanese Alternative Learning (LAL) and Al Fanar joined forces to provide quality teaching and learning ...

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My Best Start

Phase 1 : Oct 21 - Mar 22 Phase 2 : Nov 22 - Dec 23

Ana Aqra, Lebanese Alternative Learning (LAL) and Al Fanar joined forces to provide quality teaching and learning materials for the enrolled children and caregivers. 100 digitized lesson units with tips for teachers and parents were developed for the 2021-2022 school year. In the upcoming phase, the lessons will be reviewed and published on LAL's and other platforms. These lessons support effective use of interactive materials and online tools. Ana Aqra will implement the project in Baalback, benefiting 180 learners with 2 cycles of early childhood education. The pilot implementation will assess the lessons' impact on children's performance.
My Best Start - LaL

My Best Start

Oct 21 - Mar 22

“My Best Start ” project aims at increasing access of vulnerable Lebanese and refugee children to Early Childhood Education and assisting their...

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My Best Start

Oct 21 - Mar 22

“My Best Start” project aims at increasing access of vulnerable Lebanese and refugee children to Early Childhood Education and assisting their parents and teachers in the successful use of digital platforms and online education tools. Ana Aqra Association experts mapped the most essential learning outcomes for KG1-KG3, focusing on literacy in all three languages, and designed child-centered units of studies for digitization by the technical experts of Lebanese Alternative Learning. With the support of Their World and Al Fanar, Ana Aqra and LAL combined their respective expertise to ensure access to quality teaching and learning materials for ECE, by producing 100 digitized unit lessons, with tips for teachers and parents.
My Best Start

I Can Always Learn

Nov 2020 - Feb 22

In partnership with a generous donor who wishes to remain anonymous, Ana Aqra completed the “I Can Always Learn ”...

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I Can Always Learn

Nov 2020 - Feb 22

In partnership with a generous donor who wishes to remain anonymous, Ana Aqra completed the “I Can Always Learn” project that was designed in response to the exacerbating disruptions in education caused by the spread of COVID-19 and the adverse implications of Lebanon’s dire economic situation. The program aimed to fill preexisting gaps caused by either non-stimulating environments for children who are not yet enrolled in school or school disruptions for those who are. Via remote learning, the project provided early childhood and retention support education services to children ages 4-6 and 6-8 respectively. The project also delivered the “I Can Also Teach” program, which engaged community takeholders, particularly parents and caregivers, in supporting the active learning environment by building their capacities and skills in early literacy and child development milestones. Through teacher training and coaching sessions, the project built the teachers’ capacities in quality teaching and learning and teachers adopted their best practices in support of distance learning.
I Can Always Learn

The Just Right Start Kit


In 2021, Ana Aqra finalized the production of the JUST RIGHT START kit which was designed to support teachers and parents with the resources...

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The Just Right Start Kit


In 2021, Ana Aqra finalized the production of the JUST RIGHT START kit which was designed to support teachers and parents with the resources they needed to provide game-based learning and teaching for preschoolers and Grade 1 learners. The “Just Right Start” kit was created to provide public school teachers with educational resources and materials in order to facilitate the learning and teaching processes with inclusive tools and contextual materials. The kit was produced in three languages: Arabic, English, and French and it covers basic skills, thematic learning, and educational games targeting the different areas of development. The “Just Right Start” kit was created with age-appropriate designs and materials to appeal school-aged children. In 2021, the Just Right Start Kit was endorsed by CRDP and approved by MEHE for distribution and use in public schools.  1029 copies in Arabic, 582 in French, and 512 in English were printed to be distributed to 806 public schools with kindergarten classes, each according to its teaching languages. The distribution of the 1654 kits to public schools will be launched in 2022 in close coordination with MEHE and will be available in all public schools in Lebanon with Kindergarten classes. 49 CRDP and DOPS centers will be equipped with the “Just Right Start” Kit as educational resources to help with training design. Ana Aqra is contributing additional kits to equip the Community Based Early Childhood Education centers in the Non- Formal Education Program
The Just Right Start Kit

The Children Learning Center

Nov 2020 - Oct 21

Since 2014, multiple programs have been implemented at Ana Aqra’s Community Learning Center in Baalback. Since 2017, the...

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The Children Learning Center

Nov 2020 - Oct 21

Since 2014, multiple programs have been implemented at Ana Aqra’s Community Learning Center in Baalback. Since 2017, the CLC served around 1297 learners enrolled in the early childhood education program and 695 learners enrolled in the homework support program. In order to respond to the exacerbating disruptions in Education caused by the spread of COVID-19, Ana Aqra ensured the continuity of early childhood education services by using remote learning or e-learning at the Community Learning Center. The project’s social Change is to: Ensure remote early childhood education during economic and health crises for 180 Syrian refugee and host communities. Increase awareness on the importance of distance learning and parental engagement in children’s education among parents and teachers of out of school and in school Syrian refugee and host Lebanese communities
The Children Learning Center


Nov 2020 - Aug 21

In response to Beirut Blast, the CHILD project was implemented in 2021 in collaboration with Caritas Switzerland (CACH) and Caritas Austria (CAUT) in partnership with ...

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Nov 2020 - Aug 21

In response to Beirut Blast, the CHILD project was implemented in 2021 in collaboration with Caritas Switzerland (CACH) and Caritas Austria (CAUT) in partnership with Caritas Lebanon (CL) and Seenaryo. The project had two goals: delivery of quality education and child protection. Quality education activities proposed included delivery of a remote regulated non-formal early childhood education program for 500 Syrian refugee children and a homework support program for 700 Lebanese learners enrolled in seven public schools. Both programs included the the delivery of the Quality Teaching and Learning (QTL) approach, developed by AAA and supported by CACH, as well as the promotion of secure, safe, and participatory school environments. To help with the recovery of education delivery following the blast, further enhance recovery of education delivery after the blast, the project provided training and ongoing coaching to 40 teachers, as well as integrated psychosocial support (PSS) curricula targeting children and their caregivers. In addition, teachers were given a self-care package and all seven schools were equipped with materials supporting education delivery (technological devices, stationary/ home-schooling kits) for 700 learners.

Access and Improvement of Educational and Child Protection Activities in Lebanon through an integrated approach in collaboration with Terre Des Hommes-Italy

Nov 2020 - Feb 21

In collaboration with Terre ...

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Access and Improvement of Educational and Child Protection Activities in Lebanon through an integrated approach in collaboration with Terre Des Hommes-Italy

Nov 2020 - Feb 21

In collaboration with Terre des Hommes- Italy, Ana Aqra implemented a project that aimed at promoting the access to quality learning pathways to respond to the educational and psychosocial needs of the most vulnerable children among refugee and host communities in Mount Lebanon. The project main outcomes were: Provision of educational preparedness activities (Early Childhood Education) for out-of-school Syrian refugee girls and boys: Ana Aqra Association delivered two cycles of Community-Based Early Childhood Education to 320 total out- of- school Syrian beneficiaries (160 per cycle), aged 3-5 years, residing in Barja-Mount-Lebanon. Provision of structured, long-term capacity-building for education practitioners: Ana Aqra organized and implement a tailored capacity building/training component that targeted 8 ECE teachers Awareness-raising activities targeting Syrian and Lebanese caregivers to address the root causes of educational dropout: Ana Aqra Association delivered psycho social support sessions to caregivers of 360 learners, targeting both male and female caregivers. The topics varied and covered: barriers to education, child protection risks, hygiene, nutrition, COVID-19 awareness, self-care tips for caregivers.

The Just Right Start

Dec 2016 - Dec 2020

The Just Right Start project aims to prepare Syrian children and disadvantaged host community boys and girls aged between 4-6 years...

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The Just Right Start

Dec 2016 - Dec 2020

The Just Right Start project aims to prepare Syrian children and disadvantaged host community boys and girls aged between 4-6 years old to be enrolled and retained in formal schools. Many outcomes are set to reach this main goal. The project aims to: Equip learners, who have no access to early childhood preparatory programs, with the needed skills to transition to formal education. Increase the retention rate of the learners who transition to public schools through Ana Aqra’s retention support program. Empower parents of out of school Syrian and host community girls and boys and build their parenting skills through “I Can Also Teach” and other parental programs. Improve teachers’ skills in adopting best practices in differentiated teaching for the provision of safe and enabling learning environments The project was concluded in December 2020, a total of 2164 unique learners, 1051 unique girls and 1113 unique boys, had access to 8 shortened community based ECE cycles. 7 cycles were implemented in regular classrooms and one cycle was implemented in virtual classrooms through distance learning modality A total of 790 learners were ready with the needed skills to transition to public schools and transitioned from ECE level 2 and ECE level 3 to preparatory classes in formal schools or to grade 1 in public schools. These learners were also enrolled in Ana Aqra’s retention support program. More than 80% of parents provided safe and enabling learning environments and improved their parenting skills. 61 teachers received different capacity building workshops and coaching sessions as part of their continuous professional development plan. More than 75% of the teachers improved their skills and adopted more advanced practices in differentiated teaching.
The Just Right Start

The Just Right summer program

Jul 2019 - Sep 2019

A community based early childhood education summer program was implemented for Syrian refugees (ages 4-6)in partnership with IRC: 252 learners...

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The Just Right summer program

Jul 2019 - Sep 2019

A community based early childhood education summer program was implemented for Syrian refugees (ages 4-6)in partnership with IRC: 252 learners benefited from ECE program within a safe and protected inclusive Community Based Early Childhood Education learning environments. 144 hours of ECE learning opportunities took place. 19 teachers received differentiated trainings and in class coaching sessions in order to adopt best practices in differentiated teaching. 130 parents were supported in providing safe and enabling learning environments to their children in support of their continued learning. 130 parents completed 8 sessions of the parental program “I can also teach”. The program provides parents the awareness and the knowledge for building the five critical early literacy skills that the children need to learn: oral language, vocabulary, story comprehension, print knowledge and sound awareness. The program also demonstrated for parents the importance of cognitive development through play as well as the importance of motor skills development.
The Just Right summer program

Our Partners

Contact us

8 + 15 =

Ana Aqra Association

Khorafi Bldg, 5th floor, #22
George Cyr St, Clemenceau
Beirut, Lebanon
Phone: +961-1-365149 / +961-1-365159
[email protected]


Khorafi Bldg, 5th floor, #22
George Cyr St, Clemenceau
Beirut, Lebanon

Phone: +961-1-365149 / +961-1-365159
[email protected]