Retention and Integration for Syrian Refugees and Host Community Girls ...
Host Community Girls and Boys
Retention and Integration for Syrian Refugees and Host Community Girls and Boys Ages 3 to 14
Jan 2016 - Dec 2016
This project, on its second year of implementation, aims to provide basic non-formal education for in-school and out-of-school refugees and affected host community girls and boys in order to integrate them into the ALP program or formal schools as soon as an opportunity arises. 1,304 out-of-school children benefited from educational school readiness and integration preparatory programs to enable and facilitate their enrollment in formal education eventually. 90 children were enrolled in ECE while 1,214 in BLN programs. Programs were implemented in Bekaa, Beirut, Mount Lebanon, and North Lebanon.
Host Community Girls and Boys
A Second Chance
Dec 2016 - Dec 2017
The project will provide 600 learners who are currently out of school with Basic Literacy & Numeracy helping them transition to the formal schooling system. This, in turn, will be followed by HWS to help them cope academically reducing their chances of dropping out.
A Second Chance
Second Chance
Sept 22 - Aug 23
In partnership with Luminos, the Second Chance project provides direct services to children in Baalbek and the Beqaa regions. Basic literacy and numeracy sessions are offered to 325 out-of-school children aged 10-14, helping them transition to formal education. Additionally, 300 learners in public schools receive remote homework support to enhance their academic performance and well-being. A summer remedial program assists 300 at-risk learners in closing achievement gaps. Ana Aqra trains 80 caregivers in literacy and numeracy skills to support their children's education at home. The project aims to improve access to education and provide better prospects for children's future.
Second Chance
Education Can Not Wait
Aug 22 - Dec 24
In partnership with Save the Children, the project provides non-formal education interventions to crisis-affected refugee learners, preparing them for formal education. Ana Aqra targets 4,250 out-of-school children, enrolling 2,500 children (aged 4-6) in community-based early childhood programs and 1,750 boys and girls (aged 8-14) in basic literacy and numeracy programs.
Education Can Not Wait